they don't want my love, they just want my potential

4 August 2011

Between the rooms being sorted, working, huge huge financial problems, family problems and heading down to Birmingham to move my stuff, I haven't been able to really take any pictures or blog at all! I still need to sort out my room but I fly to Milan in less than 3 weeks so I'm not really see much point - especially as time is so limited. I'm working this weekend and the next, I need to scrape by funds to pay for my deposit and first months rent and survive out there until my loan comes through so I don't want the added stress of sorting my room.

The jumpsuit is a present from my friends mum, I like it but it has these parts I safety pin back because I'm not like how they fan out. I'll probably do a post about it as I'm yet to wear it because I'm not sure of the colour on me.

1 comment

  1. Oh wow, good luck with the move. I can understand how stressful it is moving to another country, sorting out a place to live BEFORE your loan comes through- nightmare! However, once the loan is through it'll be a load off your shoulders!


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