9 things I've learned this month

30 April 2014

I am skipping out on my wishlist this month. You would have thought with it being my birthday in SIX DAYS I would have a list as long as my arm, but no no, nothing really springs to mind present wise. And nothing really jumped out at this me this month has a ‘something I could afford if I had a proper job’ so wishlist aside, I have decided to compile a list of nifty things that have sat inside my head. Oh prepare yourself for the wisdom… 

1. Cutting chocolate out of my diet is super hard! 
2. I love exercising. I mean I really like doing it and miss it a lot when I don’t. However I don’t miss the mental motivation needed to drag myself to the gym or get up from my laptop. 
3. Move over anxiety! I have made significant developments in many areas – mainly social interactions - I came, I conquered. 
 4. I love writing – be it blog posts or just poetry – I’m really getting back into it again. 
 5. A change of direction is not a bad thing. If I can’t get the job position that I want looking for similar is not a sign of failure, really it’s a sign I’m using my brain a bit more! 
 6. People will leave your life without any seemingly good reason. Letting it go and not dwelling on it, has meant it is a thing of the past for me now! 
 7. Perspective is great. My view is not the only one and it’s certainly isn’t always the right one! 
 8. Coconut oil is a good make up remover! 
9. My eyebrows are important to me.

 Can’t wait to see what wisdom May brings. A full time job would be handy. Have you learnt anything new & good about yourself in the last 30 days? Share!

Img credit: Happy Momentum

Coconut Oil - How to (or a little bit of an ode to you)

21 April 2014

You would have to be living underneath a rock if you haven’t noticed the new obsession with coconut oil. It is everywhere and the uses seem to be endless. 

 Not going to lie I thought it was good for hair and that is why I bought it but over the past month I have seen posts about coconut oil that have made me go “really?!”. So here is my little find on the many uses of coconut oil. 

 1. Hair – As I mentioned before I bought coconut oil for my hair. Since decided I want longish and healthy hair I’ve done my research into my hair type and things to keep it growing and coconut oil is one of the staples I need. It’s suitable for all hair types, not just my coily kinky hair :( I purchased this one just because it was highly recommended for hair and other uses (cooking). 

2. Frying – You can fry with coconut oil. I’m sure you already knew this but I had to throw it in here. I am yet to try frying with coconut oil only because since I’ve purchased mine I haven’t actually fried anything! 3. Body moisturiser – I once did a post about my foot care routine (yes really) and it featured coconut oil because it’s bloody amazing. It sinks into the skin and smells amazing! I also use my Nature’s Way oil as a moisturiser every now and then, I do it mainly for the smell, as I have other things I used to cream my body, but I love how soft it leaves my skin feeling. 

4. Lip care – This one should be a no brainer! Swap your Vaseline (or whatever you use) for some coconut oil (or mix it together) and you will have smoother lips. I’ve tried this - I vouch for it! 

5. Oil Pulling – Now this is a new one. If you’re like me you would have seen the word ‘pulling’ and thought ‘what torture does this involve?!’ But no it involves no such medieval instrument! Oil pulling is simply swishing a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 20minutes. Why? Simply to get rid of toxins in your mouth, the oil helps to ‘pull’ the dirt from your mouth. Semplice. I read about this on FashionLush’s blog, so go read here and here for more details because she explains it much better than me! I have tried this and the first time I did manage 20minutes, all the other times? Nah. I am also really inconsistent with it, so I can’t give any feedback just yet! 

6. Deodorant – Yes. Yes, you read correctly. I cannot say I have tried this because, simply put, I like the idea of deodorant okay! Anna from VDM had a brief snippet about it and I was like really? This coconut oil thing has gone way out there. That’s what inspired me to share the coconut oil love with you all. But hey can’t knock it if it works right? 

7. Bites, cuts & bruises – Of course there is a lot of science regarding the benefits of coconut oil, but to keep it short and sweet – it can fight off bacteria and acts as a nice healer. So when you find yourself with any of those nasties above you can reach for this natural remedy. Too bad it can't cure my ankle after a Saturday night injury eh? 

So there you have 7 uses from one product! I’m sure there are tons more that I haven’t come across but 7 for now is good, infact it’s great! Before I leave you, visit here for some more facts about coconut oil, I find it so interesting but I’m also sceptical. But hey I’m not eating it and it is natural so I figure they can’t tell it causes x, y, z diseases in the future right?!

March Wishlist

8 April 2014

So I forgot to do my March wish list, but seeing as we are not that far into April I thought I would cheekily post about it anyway. 

 This month has been about skincare – I am seriously all over this. I have oily/combination skin and had terrible acne when I was in my teens. So now my face is obviously a nice testament to my teenage skin woes aka I have loads of scarring. Currently I have drugstore products I am trying out, but in the past 3 months I have read and watched reviews about products that I just have to have so without further ado, here we go!

March Wishlist

1. Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment. This is something I discovered though heyclaire, although she has recently talked about how now she isn’t too crazy about it. I want it because despite how gross I find the images of it drawing out dirt from people’s faces, it actually sounds like something I need. I have to say one thing I don’t like is the strap/tag lines they have going on with the packaging. I know this is a weird thing for me to point out, but I think it’s so odd for a face mask to have ‘super sexy’ on it, it seems so childish. Forgive the marketer in me, but it just seems like a poor attempt at marketing!

2. Glow Tonic Beauty Elixir. I actually know I’m going to purchase this as my next Toner. I’ve finished my current one and my routine just does not feel right without a toner in place. I found out about this through Caroline Hirons and I am just in love with her blog. It’s not the cheapest toner out there, but I am prepared to part with £16 because it sounds like it could be a winner.

3. Alpah H - Liquid Gold. I can never pinpoint where I heard about this from, but I do remember Caroline Hirons posting a picture on Instagram reminding everyone that it is not a toner. Aside from that I have heard Anna from Vivianna Does MakeUp and Claire from heyclaire talk about it recently. My skin needs it! 

4. NUDE ProGenius.  I always shuddered at the thought of adding more oil to my face with oils but I now know better (well I have done for the past year) and I’ve seen a few bloggers rave about this product. But for the price tag, it can only remain as a wish list product for me – but I will have it one day! 

5. Vitamin E Overnight Serum-in-Oil. Now this oil is within my budget and has the seal of approval from Caroline Hirons (I just love her okay). I don’t have anything else to say apart from I’m getting it and will certainly do a review as to how I have found it. No doubt I’ll pick up some other bits because they always have some sort of offer going on! 

6. Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel Exfoliant. I found out about this by watching Wayne Goss’s YouTube channel on a video about blackheads. I’m dying to try this, just seems like exactly what I need to combat my blackheads. Certainly need to pick this up before summer gets here properly!

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