October Book List

1 October 2014

So I am back again raving about books. Before we move onto what I plan to read in October, I thought I'd recap on my September book list and say how I got on. First of all I managed to read 3 out of the 4 books I set myself. I didn't manage to read The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared, really this was due to the fact that my Kindle App kept removing the book from my list. But either way I would have not met my target, because I only finished the last book about three days ago.

You can see my ratings on my Goodreads page, but to summarise I found Gone Girl the most exciting of them all. Funny right, considering what I actually said about it when I wrote the September book list, but it turned out to be really good! I now want to see the film, although I'm not sure how that will happen considering I haven't been inside a cinema for 3 years! Human Remains was okay and 52 Changes was also okay (am I not just full of the most excellent vocabulary right now).

So onto this months reading list:

The Memory Child by Steena Holmes - Kindle Daily Deal 'nuff said. Although I have read a previous book from this author and I thought that was good, so I figured I would give it a try.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne - I have been wanting to read this book for SO long. I've had so many people recommend it to me and the other day I just went on Amazon and bought it. I'm really looking forward to this one!

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson - Yes again, might as well get through it.

So that's it, I know super short right and only three books?! I have a feeling it might take me a while to get through 'The Secret'. 

 What are you reading this month?

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  1. It's very young adult-ish but have you read Delirium?? A page turner that's for sure!! Really good read

    1. No I haven't, I'll check it out, I do love myself some young adult books!


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