
10 March 2011

I've been looking into illustrations recently because of my marketing psychology module (presentation all done now) and it is lovely the things people draw by hand. If I can manage to get the illustrations we had I'll post them up for you to see how gorgeous they are!

le bon lait

9 March 2011

Look at these French Vintage milk bottles! I have a module for uni and we basically came up with the same idea as this company but obviously they make it look ten times better as they actually produced/are producing it. So so cute, you should see our mood board, we've pulled so much inspiration from France, this module was certainly a lot of fun. It all ends tomorrow with our presentation! Can you believe on of the girls invited us round to breakfast before the presentation? How cute!

Also this evian bottle is gorgeous. People buy these things just for the pretty design and then put flowers in them, or just keep them. Lovely!


7 March 2011

here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten.

5 March 2011

pub crawls produce weird and delightful things.
dyed t-shirts, face paintings and costumes.
I just had my t-shirt dyed and teamed it with my black high wasted shorts.
I'm off out tonight, me going out twice in a week is not like me at all.
Lately I've been going out once a month!
I've been at meetings and I have an interview for a study placement so I've been preparing for that, I really hope I get it. I'm incredibly excited.
I hope you've all had a fabulous week.


1 March 2011

cut and dyed t-shirt for my uni's pubcrawl which took place last night. It was such a fun night, I'm very glad that I went!
I wore my friends shoes which massacred my feet, the back of my ankles hurt so much and my left ankle has skin missing and a blister starting, apart from that very very good night.

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