[guest post] It’s the Holiday Season: A Lazy Girl’s Glam Guide

27 November 2017

The holidays are coming, yay! Between all the gift-giving, partying, booze, and fun time with friends, putting together great outfits can get exhausting for us lazy gals who just want to chill out a bit and have a good time. Who are these crazy people who spend more than two hours getting ready and why are they so damn flawless? Well, for you, our darling lazy fashionista, here are some great hacks that will have you looking smokin’ hot with minimal effort involved. 

Amsterdam - Day 3

14 November 2017

I'm so excited to share the pictures from day 3 in Amsterdam because we stumbled across a gem that day! I actually woke up in a horrific mood but taking the ferry, finding this place and sitting by the water helped me out so much.  I feel like this post also contains a lot of pictures that are just so classic of Amsterdam - I'm just in love with the city!

Amsterdam - Day 2

6 November 2017

Day 2 of my time in Amsterdam, I really wanted to combine day 2 and 3 but there are just so many pictures that I didn't feel okay with spamming my one post with them! 
We were in Amsterdam when the red sun was all over England but it seemed it hit Amsterdam the next day and it was also super chilly. Whereas we were fortunate with the weather the day before, Tuesday was cold because there was so much wind - however that didn't stop us going out to explore. 

Amsterdam - Day 1

30 October 2017

I have truly caught the travelling bug! My plans for this year were to actually travel outside of Europe but tbh everywhere I’ve been this year has been great so I can’t even complain. What I thought was my final trip of the year (it’s not I’ve managed to sneak in a quick trip to Disneyland Paris in December) was to Amsterdam. I visited Amsterdam last year September and when a friend wanted to go back this year I was like yes! I absolutely loved it last time so I was more than happy to use up some of the free time I had, in what I like to call one of my favourite cities.

This time I stayed in Amsterdam for 3 nights and arrived in the afternoon on a Monday, we stayed at The Grand Hotel Downtown – I will hopefully do a review of that if I haven’t gone overboard on the Amsterdam posts! We stayed in their penthouse and had a lovely terrace that I admittedly didn’t make much use of but still, it was affordable and provided great views of the city!

Review: The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA

24 October 2017

I'm finally back with a blog post and I'm back to talking skincare! I'm back to talking about The Ordinary as I stated in my last post when I reviewed the Niacinamide 10%, I wanted to try a couple more of their products so I ordered the Alpha Lipoic Acid and Alpha Arbutin at the end of May and I’ve used them long enough to give my final opinion on both of them (Alpha Lipioc Acid review is coming soon). I’ve blabbed on about The Ordinary and their aim and who they are, so definitely have a read if you want to find out more about the brand. Briefly, though - they aim to provide high-quality skincare ingredients at a fair price and their products range between £5 - £12.

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